Extreme Beauty Bewitching Heels, Informed by Strip Clubs The British designer Sarah Ansah fuses chemical experiments and a fascination with sci-fi, pop...
EXTREME BEAUTY Meet Tokyo’s Most Daring Florist Floral artist Makoto Azuma pushes the boundaries of art, fashion, and nature with his experimental...
DESIGN OF THE DAY This Summery Checked Tablecloth is Also a Jacket Every garment in July Londono’s new clothing line, Homewear, morphs into a unique accessory for...
Design Designer of the Day: Pierre Renart On the eve of his U.S. debut, the French designer talks about the appeal of custom furniture,...
Design Indira Lourenço Renders African Patterns in Three Dimensions For her first collection, Angola-born designer Indira Lourenço found inspiration by combining...
SURFACE 7 Remedy Place Makes a Sleek Entry in SoHo Plus, an Angeleno twist on Riviera maximalism, a bold observation tower that also functions as a...
DESIGN DISPATCH Herzog & de Meuron Refit the Breuer Building, and Other News Plus, Carrie Mae Weems' photography makes an appearance in a Kamala Harris ad, and Migliore +...
DESIGN DISPATCH Netflix Releases an Unflinching Martha Stewart Documentary, and Other News Plus, tensions rise over architecture competitions, and endangered bees stymie Mark Zuckerberg's...
DESIGN DISPATCH Apple Eyes the Smart Glasses Market, and Other News Plus, an Olafur Eliasson installation lands in cities around the world, and LVMH prepares for watch
ARTIST STATEMENT Mira Mariah’s Pastel Tarot Cards Bear Witness to Girlhood Inking fashion girls and musicians in her romantic line art catapulted tattooer, poet, sculptor,...