Upstate Art Weekend
August 29, 2020 - August 30, 2020
Hudson Valley, New York

For those seeking a creative fix this weekend, look no further than the Hudson Valley.  More than 20 creative spaces within the region, including Dia Beacon, Magazzino Italian Art, and Storm King Art Center, are collaborating to present Upstate Art Weekend, a curated road map for a self-guided art tour. Organized by Helen Toomer of Stoneleaf Retreat, the event showcases works by artists who have, and will, participate in Stoneleaf’s residency program. One highlight includes an installation by Johanna Goodman (pictured), presented by the Female Design Council. “Community, collaboration, art, and the outdoors are essential to our well-being,” says Toomer. “Upstate Art Weekend is a combination of all of these.”

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