Taylor Kibby

Taylor Kibby lives and works and Los Angeles, California. She was educated at Bard College Simon’s Rock, Massachusetts before graduating with an MFA in Applied Craft and Design from Pacific Northwest College of Art and Oregon College of Art and Craft. Kibby is known for her intricate, flowing stoneware sculptures, which are moulded in interlocking links of a remarkable lightness and delicacy, making them resemble woven chains. Kibby’s intricate, flowing abstract sculptures challenge traditional notions of sculpture and solidity, requiring intensive discipline and precision to create. Kibby’s interest in permeable barriers is rooted in their potential to reflect the way objects and people occupy space in the world as well as notions of memory, identity and the unknown.

Excavation 7

Stoneware, Sapele, Acrylic 20.5 x 13 x 2.5 in

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Taylor Kibby lives and works and Los Angeles, California. She was educated at Bard College Simon’s Rock, Massachusetts before graduating with an MFA in Applied Craft and Design from Pacific Northwest College of Art and Oregon College of Art and Craft. Kibby is known for her intricate, flowing stoneware sculptures, which are moulded in interlocking links of a remarkable lightness and delicacy, making them resemble woven chains. Kibby’s intricate, flowing abstract sculptures challenge traditional notions of sculpture and solidity, requiring intensive discipline and precision to create. Kibby’s interest in permeable barriers is rooted in their potential to reflect the way objects and people occupy space in the world as well as notions of memory, identity and the unknown.