#architects Stories

Need To Know
For Architect Neil Logan, Less Isn’t More—It’s Everything

“People should remember that architecture is also a service industry—as humble as that might...

Announcing The Finalists for The 2019 Surface Travel Awards

From hotels to headphones, New York to the Maldives, these are the candidates for the best new...

Three Years After Her Death, Zaha Hadid’s Dubai Development Nears Completion

As the Opus prepares to open, we're afforded another look at the greatness and vision of the late...

Shigeru Ban Proposes Notre-Dame Temporary Replacement Chapel of Rope and Paper

Graceful and solemn, the simple structure intelligently answers all the site's needs without glass,

Kanye West Is Building ‘Star Wars’-Style Houses for the Homeless: Report

In an interview with Forbes, the inescapable multihypenate revealed his prototypes for low-income...

Phil Freelon, Architect of the National Museum of African American History, Dead at 66

The creator of a long list of public projects that explored and celebrated the African-American...

This House is a $5.25 Million Ai Weiwei Artwork

The Chinese artist collaborated with firm HHF on this 3-bedroom, 3-bath vacation home—the only Ai

Paolo Soleri at 100: A Visionary Lost in a Desert of His Own Making

Paolo Soleri's concepts and work were never more relevant than they are today, and his legacy has...

A Sharp Modernist Office Rehab With Unbeatable Parisian Views

Studio Vincent Eschalier has turned a classic 2nd arrondissement apartment block into something...

Maya Lin’s Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial Changed How We Process War

How a piece of public art helped us confront and embrace the human cost of national action.

Need to Know: Reiulf Ramstad of Reiulf Ramstad Architects

"We need to confront every building project, every architecture project as something special—not...